Underlying ures, which influence surface has changed due to human activities, especially soil and water conservation meas- runoff generation and road response. In Lengkou watershed, engeneering such as check dam is the main soil and water conservationmeasure. Due to the large number of engineering in the watershed, it is impossible to calculate the water storage capacity and drainage area of the soil and water conservation engi- neering. So in this paper, a method was presented to estimate the water storage capacity of the soil and water conseration engineering using historical hydrlogical data, and the water storage capacity is about 7.8mm. The relationship between maximum 1h rainfall amount and flood peak was established, and according to this equa- tion, the drainage area of engineering was estimated as 73 % of the whole drainage area of Lengkou watershed. On the basis of the water storage capacity of the soil and water conservation engineering, the effects of soil and water conservation engineering on flood peak and flood volume were assessed. The results showed that the decreased percentage on flood volume was reduced with the increasing flood volume, but the decreased percentage on flood peak was influenced by rainfall timedistribution. The results can give support to soil and water conservation benifit assessment.