Energy is one of the most important bases for human survival and a main pillar for the state and society to develop. The excessive energy consumption leads to environmental pollution, and low to control pollution and develop low-carbon economy has become the global major concern. Based on the interval forecasting theory of grey system, this paper takes the emission reduc- tion target in 2020 as a standard of designing emission reduction model, and uses price elastic theory to analyze the impact of car- bon tax on 35 industries. The research result shows that about 23% of the industries are obviously affected by carbon tax, and that about 32% of the industries are insensitive to carbon tax. The paper also holds that a fixed carbon tax rate be imposed on the in- dustries with high energy consumption, and that a progressive tax rate be executed for the low-energy consumption industries. In order to guarantee the enterprises' healthy and sustainable development, an appropriate tax compensation mechanism should be constructed to encourage emission reduction.