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  • 期刊名称:地球物理学报
  • 时间:0
  • 页码:465-471
  • 语言:中文
  • 分类:P315[天文地球—地震学;天文地球—固体地球物理学;天文地球—地球物理学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国地震局地震预测研究所,北京100036, [2]中国地震局地球物理研究所,北京100081, [3]中国科学院青藏高原研究所,北京100085, [4]中国地震台网中心,北京100036, [5]广东省地震局,广州510070
  • 相关基金:科技部社会公益项目(2004DIA3J010),国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2004CB418406),国家自然科学基金(40674031)和地震科学联合基金课题(106016)资助.致谢 作者衷心感谢张国民研究员、刘桂萍研究员和金红林博士的指导与帮助.此外,云南省地震局和四川省地震局的部分同志对本工作也给予了多方面支持和帮助,审稿老师提出了有益的修改意见,在此一并致谢.
  • 相关项目:ML振幅层析成像及其在青藏高原及周边地区的应用



We have selected 27530 ML amplitude readings from 5897 events recorded by 149 stations, as reported in the Annual Bulletin of Chinese Earthquakes (ABCE) and regional seismic network of Yunnan province and Sichuan province, and have used tomographic imaging to estimate the lateral variations of the quality factor Qo ( Q at 1 Hz) in the crust of Sichuan-Yunnan and its adjacent regions. Estimated Qo values vary from 200 to 600 with an average of 400. Qo values are consistent with tectonic and topographic structure. Qo is low in the active tectonic regions having many faults, such as the Haiyuan-Qilian, Fenhe-Weihe, East Kunlun zones, Western Sichuan-Northwestem Yunnan-Baoshan area and joint of Yunnan and Guizhou-Kunming- Simao area. Q0 is high in the stable regions, such as Sichuan Basin, Markam block, Western Guangxi-Eastem Yunnan block, Ordos Craton and Qinling-Dabie area. Additionally, The gains of most of the station terms in Sichuan-Yunnan and its adjacent regions are near 1.0, only a few as large as 2.0, and the distribution is irregular. Most of the magnitude biases are less than 0.3, only a few as large as 0.4, and the distribution has relation with the Q0 values distribution, which means that the crustal attenuation has influence on the magnitude measurement.
