The Schrodinger equation -△u+λ2u=|u|2q-2u has a unique positive radial solution Uλ, which decays exponentially at infinity. Hence it is reasonable that the Schrolinger system -△u1+u1=|u1|2q-1u1-εb(x)|u2|1|u1|q-1u1,-△u2+u2=|u2|2q-2u2-εb(x)|u1|1|u2|q-1u2 has multiple-bump solutions which behave like Uλ in the neighborhood of some points. For u=(u1,u2)∈H1(R3)×H1(R3), a nonlinear functional Iε(u)=I1(u1)+I2(u2)-ε/q∫R3b(x)|u1|q|u2|qdx,is defined,where I1(u1)=1/2||u1||2-1/2q∫R3|u1|2qdx and I2(u2)=1/2||u2||2ω-1/2q∫R3|u2|2qdx. It is proved that the solutions of the system are the critical points of I,. Let Z be the smooth solution manifold of the unperturbed problem and TzZ is the tangent space. The critical point of I is rewritten as the form of z + w, where w ∈ (TzZ)⊥. Using some properties of Iε, it is proved that there exists a critical point of I, close to the form which is a multi-bump solution.