In order to improve the optimization ability and convergence speed of the a|gorithm, a heuristic ant algorithm was proposed according to improve the heuristic function in the algorithm based on the distance evaluation function of A* algorithm for the problem of the robot path planning in the complex environment, and the simulation experiment was taken to prove the effect. The results show that the new heuristic function can improve the blindness of the traditional ant algorithm, and solve the problems such as the slow convergence rate and algorithm easily falling into the local optimal solution. The correla- tion coefficient of the heuristic ant algorithm in 20 × 20 grid is increased 0.472 2 higher than the traditional algorithm, and the correlation coefficient in 40 × 40 grid is increased 0.226 5 higher than the traditional one. The resuhs illustrate that the planning ability and the convergence rate of the new heuristic ant algorithm is better than that of the traditional ant algorithm, and excel than that of traditional ant algorithm in general.