邵阳方言语气词“咱”分化为鼻化韵[tsa 42]和阴声韵[tsa 42],鼻化韵的“咱”表祈使、强调语气,语义指向听话人,阴声韵的“咱”表尝试,指向说话人。语气词“啊”也分化为[a 55]和[a 42],阴声韵的“啊”表舒缓语气,鼻化韵的“啊”表强调。
The modal particle Za(咱) has two pronunciation, one is the nasalized [tsa42]and the other is[tsa42].The meaning of the first is commanding with the latter to be attempting. The particle A(啊) also has two pronunciation, one is the nasalized[a55] and the other is[a55]. The meaning of the first is emphasizing with the latter to be relaxing.