羟基自由基(·OH)对海洋微小生物有很强的杀灭效果,因此可以用来预防由船舶压载水引发的外来生物入侵性传播对海洋环境造成的危害,为提高·OH的产量以及提高压载水处理的效果,采用·OH探针化合物法研究了去离子水、海水中pH变化对强电场电离放电/高效混溶协同制取·OH的影响.结果表明:OH^-是臭氧分解链反应的引发剂和促进剂,适当提高pH值能够提高系统·OH的产量.以亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcorodiformis),小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterum)为处理对象,进一步研究了水体pH值对压载水处理效果的影响.pH值越高,藻的杀灭率越高.
Becase of it's strong oxidation, the hydroxyl radicals (·OH) can oxidate various organic and inorganic matters in the ocean. The hydroxyl radicals can be used to prevent the introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by ships' ballast water, which causes a lot of threats to the world's oceans. In order to improve the yield of ·OH and the efficiency of ballast water treatment, the method of ·OH-probe is used to study the effect of pH value on the ·OH yield both in deionized water and seawater. And the OH^- is the initiator and promoter in the reaction of decompounding the 03 into ·OH. The result of this experimentation indicates that the improvement of pH value could increase the ·OH yield. Taking Platymonas subcorodiformis and Nitzschia closterum as objects, and studying the effect of the pH value on the ballast water treatment in the experimentation, the conclusion is that the pH could improve the inactivation of these two kinds of alga. And the higher pH has a better efficiency of inactivation.