Density-dependent potential for multi-neutron halo nuclei
- ISSN号:1674-1137
- 期刊名称:Chinese Physics C
- 时间:0
- 页码:639-644
- 语言:英文
- 分类:O571.2[理学—粒子物理与原子核物理;理学—物理] S718.5[农业科学—林学]
- 作者机构:[1]Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China, [2]Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy-Ion Accelerator at Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730000, China, [3]Joint Center for Particle, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Nanjing 210008, China
- 相关基金:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10535010, 10675090, 10775068), 973 National Major State Basic Research and Development of China (2007CB815004), CAS Knowledge Innovation Project (KJCX2-SW-N02) and Research Fund of Doctoral Point (20070284016).
- 相关项目:轻核区丰质子新核素的合成及性质研究
密度依赖, 潜力, 晕核, 结构计算, 中子, 实验数据, 计算性能, 密度分布, density-dependent, three-body model, halo nuclei