To decrease the error of radar tracking a single target in the heavy sea clutter environment, improve the radar tracking accuracy and stability, an algorithm for tracking a target with waveform agile was proposed. Assuming the target moves in a sea clutter environment with low signal clutter ra- tio (SCR) caused by the compound Gauss model, its observation model is linear. In the target tra- cking process, it transmits a linear frequency modulation (LFM) waveform to estimate the clutter sta- tistics in the target area, and then suppresses the clutter with a subspace mapping method. According to the clutter statistics, a phase modulation (PM) waveform to be transmitted next by radar is adop- tively designed based on the criterion of the minimal mean square error (MSE) of target tracking so as to improve SCR in the target area and the tracking performance of radar. A simulation example shows that this algorithm can effectively decrease the MSE of radar tracking.