Under the circumstances that the world has not recovered completely from the international economic crisis and the investment declines dramatically in global cross-border MA,Chinese enterprises have gradually increased the MA overseas.Their motives for cross-border MA include:snapping the international market,breaking through the barriers to trade,obtaining the access to strategic resources,enhancing the technical capacity,etc.But during the process of cross-border MA,there exist various risks,including the external risks such as political risk,social risk,legal risk,etc.,as well as the internal risks such as information risk,assets risk,financial risk,etc.Therefore,Chinese enterprises need to attach great importance to the risk prevention and take measures to adopt international development strategy,evaluate objectively the environment of host country,pay attention to MA agreement,focus on overall integration,improve the integration of production and operation,and select appropriate means of payment so that Chinese enterprises can improve the security of cross-border MA and enhance the international competitive advantage.