SUN Zhenquan was born in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, China, in 1966. He received the B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees in electrical en- gineering {rom Xi ~ an Jiaotong University, Xi~an, China, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. His supervisor is Professor Li Yanming. ZItAO Xuefeng was born in Xining City, Qinghai Province, China, in 1983. She re- ceived the B. Sc. and M. Sc. degree in electri- cal engineering from the Chang'an Universi- ty, Xi'an, China. She has a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong Uni- versity, Xi~an, China. Her research interests include high voltage test equipment, applica- tion of arti{icial intelligence techniques and di- agnostic of insulating systems by partial dis charge detection and analysis. LI Yanming was born in Shaanxi Province, China, in 1946. He received the B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees in high voltage techniques from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi~an, Chi- na, in 1982. Currently, he is a Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He focuses on the detection and diagnosis techniques for electri- cal equipment, new types of electrical equip-