Latent Local Spatial Relations (LLSR) model is presented as a novel technique of learning spatial models for visual object classification. Combined the latent local spatial relations model with statistical visual words and variational expectation maximization, LLSR is developed as an implementation of object classification algorithm. LLSR uses an unsupervised process that can capture both spatial relations and visual words appearances simultaneously. In contrast to other methods which explicitly give some parameterized spatial models, the proposed algorithm uses a latent class model to reveal some certain latent spatial relations. The advantages of the proposed model include: (1) it uses an unsupervised learning paradigm which can avoid some manual controls; (2) it can resist some geometry transforms; (3) it is a dense model; (4) the spatial relations are latent which have more insight into describing the object structure. The experiments are demonstrated on some standard databases and show that LLSR is a promising model for solving object classification problems, especially for translation, rotation, scale, affine and part of occlusion.