Considering the internal dynamic excitation of a spiral bevel gearbox in the synchronization system of a ship lift such as stiffness excitation, error excitation and meshing impact excitation, we established the dynamic fi- nite element model of the gearbox that includes meshing spiral bevel gears, transmission shafts, bearings and gear- box houses. The dynamic response of the gearbox is analyzed through using ANSYS, and consequently the displace- ment, speed and acceleration of the gearbox are obtained. Based on SYSNOISE, an acoustic boundary element model of the gearbox is built by using the boundary conditions such as a node's vibration displacement from housing surface. Then radiation noise prediction is carried out through the direct boundary element method, and the surface acoustic pressure contour on the housing surface and the radiation noise at determined field points is obtained. The results indicate that the peak values of dynamic response and radiation noise of the gearbox both appear at meshing freauencv and its octave freauencie~.