Pleistocene mammal fossils were recently discovered in a quarry site near the Heizhai village of Songlinpo, Hezhang County in western Guizhou Province. The fossil site (26°50.438′N 104°53.950′E, 1717m altitude) is a limestone cave deposit site (Fig.1-3). The morphological measurements of fossil tapirs, one maxillae with two premolars and one mandibular fragment (Fig.4, 5; Tab.1, 2), indicate its attribution to Tapirus sanyuanensis that lived during Early Pleistocene in south China. Its premolar size is evidently larger than late Miocene Tapirus yunnanensis from Zhaotong, Yunnan, and is smaller than Tapirus sinensis and Megatapirus augustus that lived in the middle and late Pleistocene. It is very special that one fossil bone fragment looks particularly like a bone artifact with modified point and multiple scars impling human activity (Fig.6). Up to now there is no fossil human evidence of Early Pleistocene discovered in Guizhou Province. This new evidence will provide helpful information for future fieldwork in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.