噬菌体MS2和φ74曾广泛作为指示病毒,用来研究病毒在土柱和田间实验条件下的迁移行为。本文详细介绍了实验室小规模双层琼脂平板扩增和大规模高复数感染法制备纯噬菌体溶液的条件和方法步骤。宿主细菌E.coli(ATCC 15597)的最佳培养时间为90~120min,而E.coli(ATCC 13706)的最佳培养时间为120~150min,在上述时间段内,它们的生长分别进入对数期。小规模双层琼脂平板扩增方法耗时、耗力,但用高复数感染扩增方法可获取一次大量(约500ml)的高浓度纯噬菌体MS2和φ74溶液,它们的含量分别可达10^11pfu/ml和10^8pfu/ml。
Bacteriophages MS2 and φX174 have been used extensively as indicator virus widely in studying virus migration in column and field experiments. Requirements and general procedures for the laboratory propagation of bacteriophages MS2 and φX174 using double layer agar plates at a small scale and high multiplicity infection at a large scale were explained in detail. The optimal time when host bacterium demonstrated log growth, for host bacteria of E. coli (ATCC 15597) infected with the bacteriophage MS2 was in the period of 90 - 120 min, and for host bacteria of E. coli (ATCC 13706) with the bacteriophage φX174 in the period of 120 - 150 min. It was observed that the double layer agar plate method was time- and labor-consuming, while the liquid medium culture of high multiplicity infection method could produce large amount of pure solution of bacteriophage, about 500 ml per one culture, with concentration reaching 10^11 pfu/ml and 10^8 pfu/ml for MS2 and φX174, respectively.