Based on the age of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and the stratigraphic lithology of Mabao (MB) clay profile in Fuzhou intermountane basin, this paper mainly analyzed the results of geochemical elements. Meanwhile we discussed the chemical weathering features and regional climate change characteristics. The result showed that 1 ) the age of Diluvial clay in Fuzhou intermountane basin was from middle stage of Late Pleistocene to Late Holocene. This period was roughly corresponding to the first to the third stage of Marine Oxygen Isotope ( MIS1 - 3 ). 2) The variation of chemical weathering characteristics of Mabao (MB) profile was controlled by nature factors, and the topsoil of MB profile was undergone a combined impact of chemical weathering and trans- porting action of flowing water. A1, Fe accumulation and the local intense eluviation represented a warm humid chemical weathering environment of Fuzhou intermountane basin since 44 ka. The information of environmental changes recorded in the MB clay profile can roughly reestablish the climate change process on the orbital timescale. The paleoenvironment of Fuzhou basin had undergone different phases, which corresponded to marine oxygen iso- tope stages (MIS) since the last glacial period. In the first period (44.1 ka - 23.0 ka), the regional climate was warm and humid as a whole, and after 25 ka before with vegetation of bushwood and meadowland. In the present, the climate environment turned to generally colder second period (23.0 ka - 14.3 ka), the climate condition mainly dominated by warm and cool reflected by the changes of geochemical elements and elements ratios in Fuzhou intermountane basin. The period of 18 - 15 ka before present was a typical period with most prominent change. There was a sharp decline in Fuzhou intermountane basin temperatures, which led to tropical animals migrated southward and finally disappeared in Fujian area. And in the last period ( 14.3 ka - now), the climatic character- istics main