Using CO2 instead of water as working fluid in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) could achieve COs sequestration as well as extract geothermal energy from low permeability geothermal resources (hot-dry-rock, HDR). A 2-dimension model was developed to simulate an EGS using CO2 as working fluid. The fluid flow, heat transfer and COs sequestration were studied by numerical simulation. The original crevice water in the terrane and the chemical interactions of COs-water-rock were considered. The simulation time is 40 years. The changes of COs mass flow rate and heat extraction over time, as well as the space distribution of CO2 sequestration in the operation of COs-based EGS were obtained by the simulation. The results showed that C02 could extract more geothermal heat than water. For better performance, the COs-based EGS should be installed in the terrane with high permeability, high temperature, low porosity and low pressure.