[[Objective]In order to select out beneficial fungi with broad-spectrum antagonism, the fungi from Chinese chestnut ectomycorrhiza which were collected from chestnut orchard were isolated and identified , and then the fungi were used to study the antagonistic effects with plant pathogen fungi. [Methods]Pure culture fungal strains were isolated from the chestnut ecto- mycorrhiza and identified by the homology of Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence of the fungal ribosomal RNA. Then well-growing fungi were used for luther antagonistic cultivation with 15 pathogens through co culture method. [Results]Total 20 fungal strains were isolated from chestnut roots, including Trichoderma spp.,Phornopsis spp., Cyli71drocarpon spp., and so on. The antagonistic cultivation analysis showed two strains from genus Trichoderma had broad-spectrum antagonistic effect against 13 pathogens species. [Conclusion] Due to the well broad antagonistic effect, the fungi of genus Trichoderma could be the candidate strains for further development and application of bio-control agents.