Glycogen of the sludge from the Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal reactor (EBPR) was determined by anthrone method. Applying iPLS to model the near infrared spectra, the spectral range was divided into 20 inte rvals, and wave number range from 4775 t o 4389 cm-1 was selected as the best wavelength range, which was used to predict unknown samples’ glycogen content. Results showed that the correlation coefficient(rc)of this model was 0.9583, and root mean square error of cross v alidation (RMSECV) was 0.3554;the prediction correlation coefficient(rp) was 0.9769, and the root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP)was 0.4243. This model was better for forecasting the content of glycogen, and the accuracy of the model was high, thus providing a feasible analysis technique for the rapid determination of intracellular glycogen in sludge.