通过荧光检测和光学在线监测技术,分析探讨了腐殖酸与铝盐的混凝特性.实验结果表明,在弱酸性和中性条件下腐殖酸与铝盐的混凝特性有着明显的差异.在弱酸性条件下,铝离子与腐殖酸之间的共聚络合反应占绝对优势,而且水中残余铝离子浓度一直与铝离子总投量成线性关系.然而在pH=7的条件下,铝离子的水解反应明显占优势,直到铝离子投量超过0.1 mM之后才发生与腐殖酸的结合,属于氢氧化铝沉淀物对腐殖酸分子的吸附和网扫絮凝.
The characteristics of Al-humic complexation in the process of coagulation of natural humic acids(HA) were studied using fluorescence and optical monitoring techniques.Under two typical pH values,the pattern of Al-humic interaction was found to be much different from each other through the fluorescence analysis result: At pH 5.0,the dosed Al ions were reacting with HA molecules at a constant rate to form Al-humic complexes,while at pH 7.0,the dosed Al remained unrelated until its concentration rose to a higher value.By online monitoring of the process of hydrolysis/precipitation of aluminum ions in a water free of HA,it was found that at pH 5.0,the aluminum species which could react with HA molecules were soluble aluminum ions,but at pH 7.0,hydrolysis of aluminum ions preferentially occurred and only after they formed hydrolyzed aluminum precipitates,could reaction begin between these precipitates and HA molecules.The latter is believed to be a process of adsorption or sweep flocculation rather than Al-humic complexation.