从基于身份密钥体系出发,提出了一种适用于无线传感器网络的轻量级广播方法——IBESB(Identity-Based Encryption Scheme For Broadcasting).首先简要介绍了安全证明基础,然后给出广播算法,并在随机预言模型中就选择密文安全性和完整性给出了基于BDH假设的证明,与经典算法在计算复杂性、内存需求等方面进行的分析比较表明,IBESB在这些方面都有一定的优势,最后讨论了可进一步研究的内容.
This paper proposes a brocasting algorithm based on identity encrpytion scheme named as IBESB.Firstly, we introduce the preconditions of the algorithm proof, then IBESB is described in details. The security and integrity on choosing ciphertext in random oracle model are proved based on BDH assumption. Compared with traditional brodcasting algorithms, IBESB outstands them both in computing complexity and memory cost.