There has been a vigorous debate on the impact of economic policy uncertainty(EPU) on the Great Recession and recovery. We use the EPU index of China to systematically assess the macroeconomic effects of EPU. Firstly,compared to the USA,we find weaker impact of EPU on real output in China. Secondly,although the EPU shocks have little effect on industrial output,they have great influence on the industrial sales,which provides a new understanding on the phenomenon of excess capacity. Thirdly,EPU shocks have obvious negative effect on the price level and show an inverted hump shaped response.Finally,we show that the monetary authorities do not take targeted actions to the EPU shocks. We believe that the characteristics of the Chinese economic structures,such as the investment behavior of the state-owned enterprises and the government’s bottom-line thinking on economic growth,can partly account for the weak output effect of China EPU.