Repeated freeze-thaw cycles cause changes in soil bulk density and property,making the erosion seriously,discusses the variation of soil bulk density and porosity under the action of the freeze-thaw cycle,try to analyze the freeze-thaw effects on soil anti-erodibility from mechanism. Black soil of northeast China as the research object,consider freezing temperature and soil moisture,through the indoor freeze-thaw test study of bulk density and porosity of the black soil. The results showed that: With the increasing of freeze-thaw cycles,soil bulk density and porosity were presented slowly increase or decrease and in the trend of getting change smaller and smaller range,finally achieved basically stable state;the greater the temperature difference between freezing and thawing,the lower the freezing temperature,soil bulk density become smaller and the porosity is relatively large in the same moisture content,and both the largest amount of change;in the same freeze-thaw temperature difference,the high moisture content of soil after freeze-thaw cycles compared to a low moisture content of soil bulk density lower,while the higher porosity,and the largest numerical changes.