The muhi-scale standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index (SPEI) is calculated using the monthly precipitation and temperature data observed at 74 meteorological stations during 1962-2007 in Guang- dong. The spatial-temporal variation of wet and dry spells is analyzed using the methods of the rotated empirical orthog- onal function (REOF) , the Mann-Kendall trend test and the wavelet analysis. Results show that both the frequency and spatial extent of drought have i:lcreased over time since the 1970s. The whole Guangdong can be divided into six wet and dry regions based on the first six modes of REOF. These regions are located in the Pearl River Delta, the up- per Hanjiang River and Dongjiang River basins, the Xijiang River basin and the middle and lower Beijiang River ba- sin, the eastern coastal district, the upper Beijiang River basin, and the western coastal district. The trend of wet and dry spells in Guangdong varies significantly across the province from east to east. Significant upward trends in drought have been detected in the Leizhou Peninsula, the Xijiang River basin and the middle and lower Beijiang River basin, the western coastal district. In addition, the temporal variation of wet and dry spells exhibits a periodic oscillation of period of 2 to 8 years in the six regions.