Borehole DLC70-2 (38°27.00'N, 122°24. 15'E; 70.6m in length, 52.8m water depth) was drilled from the eentral North Yellow Sea (NYS). Sediment cores were split and described in detail, including eolor, sedimentary texture and structure, and stratigraphieal boundaries before sampling. There exists a hard elay of 4.92m in thickness (from 5.10m to 10.02m in Core DLC70-2). In order to reveal its origin and environmental implieations, sediment samples from the interval of 4.45- 10.84m in Core DLC70-2 were colleeted for grain size, palynologieal and dating studies, seventy samples with roughly 10-em interval for grain size analysis, thirty-six samples with about 20-era interval for palynologieal studies and two samples from the underlying and overlying strata of the hard clay for AMS ^14C dating. AMS ^14C age data together with lithology analysis suggest that the hard clay was formed from about 12602ca1.a B.P. to 10357cal. a B. P. , in the similar period with the peat layer of the NYS deposited in different sedimentary environment, which is highly coincident with the age of the Younger Dryas event that was the most significant cold climatic event during the last deglacial warming and occurred between 12.9 - 11.6ka. The coincidence indicates that the formation of hard clay in the central NYS possibly related to the Younger Dryas event. The high abundance of freshwater algae (Concentricystis and Pediastrum) and Typha indicates that the hard clay is a freshwater deposit. The presence of Chenopodiaeeae-Artemisia in the hard clay indicates that the study area was occasionally affected by seawater during the formation of hard clay. Dinoflagellate occurs in increasing abundance in the upper and lower section of hard clay suggesting the study area had growing marine influence during the early and late stage of the formation of hard clay. The reciprocal variation law between freshwater algae and land-flora shows that the hard clay was formed in several stages. The sporo-pollen assemblages (Artemisia- Ty