Taking type D1842926 aero-engine mainshaft roller bearing under typical operating conditions as cases, based on quasi-dynamic results, the motion and force at micro-contact region are obtained, and the minimum film thickness(MFT) are calculated with H-D formula, W-S formula and thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication(TEHL) analysis, the MFT of the 3algorithms are compared with testing results, which indicate H-D MFT have a large error, though the error of W-S MFT is smaller than that with H-D formula, the error is still above 40%, the numerical analysis results show a well agreement with testing data and the error is within10%. The MFT under different velocities are compared with 3 algorithms, which show well agreements under low velocity, but the error of H-D MFT becomes larger with the increasing velocity, and W-S MFT become smaller as the velocity reaches a certain value; The global film pressure increase and the thickness decrease with the increase of radial load, the pressure in both ends are a little higher than that in the middle; The film thickness increase with the increase of velocity, but the pressure keep unchanged.