利用非饱和三轴渗气仪研究了压实高庙子膨润土的渗气特性。发现当渗气系数小于10~(-14) m~2时,压实膨润土中的Klinkenberg效应较为显著,渗气系数会随气压力的增大而降低;气体滑脱因子随Klinkenberg渗气系数与体积含气率之比的变化满足幂函数关系,试验得到的二者之间关系与干密度、含水率无关,并与Klinkenberg理论模型相近;Klinkenberg渗气系数与体积含气率在双对数坐标中呈线性关系,其斜率与含水率基本无关。基于试验规律,建立了考虑Klinkenberg效应的高庙子膨润土非饱和渗气系数的数学模型。
The gas permeability of compacted GMZ bentonite is studied using the triaxial gas pcrmeameter. It is found that the Klinkcnbcrg effect exists when the gas permeability is lower than I0"14 m2. A power relationship is observed between the Klinkcnbcrg slippage factor and the ratio of the Klinkenberg permeability to the air-filled porosity. The relationship is independent on dry density and water content, and is almost identical with the Klinkenbcrg model. In the double-log scales, there is a linear relationship between the Klinkenberg permeability and the air-filled porosity, of which the slope is almost independent on water content. Based on the test results, a model for unsaturated gas permeability is proposed, in which the Klinkcnberg effect is taken into account.