A hydroponic experiment was carried out to compare Se-enriching rice ' Xiushui 48 ' with Se ordinary rice ' Bing 9652 ' in Se absorption and Se transport,in expectation of revealing physiological mechanisms of the difference be- tween the two rice cultivars in selenium accumulation in grains. Results show that the two cultivars did not differ much in K,,, of Se absorption by roots,but Xiushui 48 was 1.57 times as high as Bing 9652 in V,na. The absorption of Se symplast by roots of the two rice plants was dependent on carrier. Selenium absorption time dynamics tests demonstrate that selenium concentration and content in stems of Xiushui 48 was higher than that of Bing 9652 in all the treatments and all the time,and selenium concentration in the xylem sap of Xiushui 48 was about twice as high as that of Bing 9652. The same in tran- spiration rate, Xiushui 48 was significantly higher than Bing 9652 in Se content in shoot,which indicates that the two cuhi- vars varies sharply in capacity of transport Se to shoots,that Xiushui 48 can transport Se from roots to shoots more easily, and that efficient transport system is the key to high Se content in shoots of Se enriching rice. Se enriching rice is highly capable of transporting selenium to shoots,partly because of the strong Se carrying capacity of its root xylem.