在实验室条件下,设菜心/花菜、菜心/芥菜、菜心、芥菜、花菜5种处理,比较放虫5 d后,每种处理小菜蛾(Plutella xyllostella)的产卵量。在5 d内,菜心/芥菜组合上的小菜蛾总产卵量显著低于除花菜单作外其他处理的总产卵量,菜心/芥菜组合上的小菜蛾分别产于菜心与芥菜上的卵量间无显著差异,表现为干扰效应;而菜心/花菜组合上的小菜蛾总产卵量与菜心以及芥菜单植间无显著差异,且显著高于花菜单植与菜心/芥菜组合,在产卵量分布上,小菜蛾产于菜心上的卵量显著高于产在花菜上的,表现为陷阱效应,即不同的寄主搭配对小菜蛾表现出不同的影响效应。
Under laboratory conditions, there were 5 different treatments,Brassica campestris/B, oleracea,B, ccanpestris/B. juncea,B, campestris,B, juncea,B, oleraeea were conducted, respectively. The total number of eggs laid on each treatment for 5 d was compared to determine the effeet of host arrange on reproduction. The total number of eggs which was laid on B. eampestris/B, juneea treatment was less than other treatments except B. oleracea treatment. However,the number of eggs re- spectively laid on B. campestris and B. juncea wasn't significantly different in this treatment,which showed interference effect. By contrast,there wasn't marked difference between B. eampestris/B, oleraeea treatment and B. eampestris treatment or B. juneea treatment,and eggs laid on B. carapestri was significantly more than on B. oleracea in mixed cropping treatment, which showed trap effect. There were different effect on P. xylostella with different host arrangements.