According to the issue of vector hydrophone directivity sharpening, the velocity gradient hydrophone has been designed based on the vector hydrophone ,which can measure the particle velocity and the velocity gradient at the same time. The measurement principle of the velocity gradient sensor and the error in the measurement process were discussed in great detail and as a result, a one-dimensional velocity gradient sensor was created. The testing was conducting in the standing wave calibrator for the purpose of measuring the directivity of the velocity channel and the velocity gradient channel. The - 3dB beam-width of the directivity pattern of velocity channel is 90°. The velocity gradient channel displayed two types of directivity pattern : longitudinal quadrupole and lateral quadrupole. The - 3dB beam-width of the longitudinal quadruple directivity pattern is about 65° and the - 3dB beamwidth of the lateral quadrupole directivity pattern is about 45°. The theory and experiment confirmed that the directivity pattern of velocity gradient channel was sharper than the directivity pattern of velocity channel, and therefore, made the directivity of velocity gradient sensor sharper than that of the vector sensor.