The nano-meter SiO2 surface grafted by high-molecular-weight quaternary ammonium salt was tested, and the results showed the grafted nano-meter SiO2 had good thermal stability and superior antibacterial action, which was about the same with that of the commercial Ag^ + -containing inorganic antimierobial materials. The antimierobial nano-meter SiO2 was applied to the preparation of antimierobial plastics. The result of the antimierobial tests showed the microbicidal action of antimierobial plastics made from PE and PVC was superior. The optimum addition of the antimierobial nano-meter SiO2 for the preparation of antimierobial PE was 2%. The prepared PE was treated by means of accelerated aging and placement on natural conditions respectively, and the results showed the antimierobial PE had good long-time bactericidal action and mierobieidal stability.