华北大黑鳃金龟[Holotrichia oblita(Faldermann)]是一种为害多种作物的重要地下害虫, 为了解其近年的发生动态以便针对性防治, 于2010-2013年对其成虫出土规律进行了周年系统研究, 并对其发生期和发生量影响因素进行了初步分析。结果表明, 2010-2013年华北大黑鳃金龟的出土盛期仍在5月份, 与文献相比总体一致, 但出土期略滞后并且时间有所延长; 而2013年始发期明显晚于其他年份, 对其气象因素分析发现, 2013年春季干旱, 首次降雨在5月26日, 明显晚于其他年份, 其始发期也较其他年份偏晚, 说明土壤湿度可能影响成虫出土始期。出土盛期成虫出土量与气象因素的灰色关联度分析表明, 成虫日出土量与平均相对湿度关联最密切, 其次是日均温和降雨量。研究结果为华北大黑鳃金龟的预测预报以及针对性防治提供了基础。
Holotrichia oblita (Faldermann) is one of the most destructive agricultural pests in China. In order to reveal the annual occurrence dynamics of and analyze the effects of environmental factors on emergence of over- wintering adults, a continuous survey was carried out from 2010 to 2013. The results showed that the peak emer- gence period still appeared in May from 2010 to 2013, which was approximately consistent with the previous data except for slightly later and longer emergence. However, the preliminary emergence period of 2013 happened lat- er than other years due to the delayed first spring rain, which indicated that the preliminary emergence period of H. oblita adults was influenced by soil moisture. Grey relational analysis showed the average humidity became the critical environmental factor on the emerged adults amount at the peak emergence period, especially temperature and rainfall. Our study would lay a firm foundation for the forecast and control of H. oblita.