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  • 期刊名称:动物学研究,2007,28(6):647-653
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:Q959.833[生物学—动物学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国科学院昆明动物研究所系统发育与进化研究室,云南昆明,650223
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(30570203)资助
  • 相关项目:中国热带果蝠、扁颅蝠的分类与分布

1992年3月和1999年12月,分别从云南南部西双版纳勐腊补崩和麻木树采到6号长舌果蝠,经与我国已记载过的翼手目(Chiroptera)狐蝠科(Pteropodidae)长舌果蝠亚科(Macroglossinae)的种类比较:其舌甚长,舌尖具刷状突起,舌面中央有三尖形乳突(tridentate papillae)、前臂长47.31~51.01mm与长舌果蝠(Eonycteriss pelaea)相似,但第二指具爪,翼膜止于第三趾趾基,上唇前缘无沟槽,鼻孔不突出,尾极短、隐于毛被中;头骨后部明显向后下方倾斜,齿槽后延线明显超过人字嵴上缘达及项间骨上缘水平,牙齿非常长而细弱,与长舌果蝠明显有别,这些特征与印度东北部和东南亚一带的安氏长舌果蝠(Macroglossus sobrinus)一致,为我国翼手目狐蝠科长舌果蝠亚科的属、种新纪录,本文对这一属、种作比较详细的记述;另对已记录的长舌果蝠(Eonycteris spelaea),根据新的资料作补充记述。


Six specimens of Macroglossinae bat, which were collected from Mengla County (Bubeng and Mamushu), Xishuangbanna, Southern Yunnan, China in March 1992 and December 1999, were compared with Macroglossinae species recorded in China. All of these specimens have very long tongues with a brush-like tongue tip and tridentate papillae in the center of the tongue, and forearms that are 47.31~51.01 mm long, which are similar to Eonycteris spelaea. However there are many differences from Eonycteris spelaea; a claw on the second digit, wing membrane ending at the base of the third toe, no groove on upper lip, a non-projected nose, very short tail covered by fur, rear skull significantly inclined posterior and down-wards, upper alveolar line spreads rearward clearly exceeding upper edge of lambdoidal ridge and reaching upper edge of interparietale and long slim teeth. These characteristics are identical with those ofMacroglossus sobrinus recorded in Northeast India and Southeast Asia. They should represent a new genus and species records under Chiroptera, Pteropodidae, and Macroglossinae for China. This paper presents a detailed description of this species, and adds new information about Eonycteris spelaea.
