Installing corrosion protection systems on steel-pipe piles in splash zone is an effective method for protect- ing the metal surface from corrosion. Model tests were performed to investigate the ice abrasions on the popular corro- sion protection system. Screening the ice speed that induces the maximum stress and deformation of the corrosion protection system was the first step of the model tests. The test conditions included the characteristic ice speeds that lead to ice sheet failing in ductile, alternated ductile-brittle and brittle behavior. In the tests, the corrosion protection system experienced the maximum ice force and deformation during the alternated ductile-brittle failure of ice, corresponding to the ice speed of 150 mm/s. Then the ice abrasion tests were performed at this ice speed. Obvious ice abrasions were observed on the surface of the corrosion protection system in the tests, and two ice abrasion modes were also observed. One is the shallow abrasion caused by the frontal contact of the ice sheet, and the other is the nibbling effect caused by the ice sheet edge. It was found that the nicks caused by the shallow abrasion influence the ice force obviously, and the concaves caused by the nibbling effect control the increase of the accumulated abrasion.