With the accelerated process of urbanization and human disturbance, the soil environment is threat-ened by manyof heavy metal elements. Heavy metals in the soil can not be decomposed by microorganisms, and can gradually accumulate. Soil toxic metals pollution has become a major global environmental change re-search problem in recent years. In this article, the arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and other ele-ments, which are closely related tohuman beings, have been reviewed. The summary concludes that a variety of heavy metals in soil biogeoehemical cycles are processes from the soil-plant-animal-human beings to the soil, and this series of cyclic process is completed participation in the water, so the water in the soil bioge-ochemical cycles plays a key role. Thus, understanding the process of soil pollution has not simply studying soil internal processes and interfaces need study the process of soil and soil--air--water--interaction and student--driven process, only the cross, comprehensive study of the soil inside the interface and the external environment biogeochemical cycle in order to reveal the high intensity of human activities under the environ- mental quality of soil evolution,and to achieve risk management,protection of soil quality,agricultural prod-ucts quality and ecosystem health.