Surgical treatment of pelvic fracture - associated urethral injury (PFUI) continues to be a difficult problem to be solved in urology. Children with an immature prostate and puboprostatic ligament may suffer from posteri- or urethral disruptions in a manner different from adults. Considering these distinctions, the management of pediatric PFUI presents a challenge for urologist as no consensus or algorithm has been proposed or accepted. Now, through analy- zing the pathogenesis, presentation, diagnosis and treatment of PFUI, give the principle of the management. The choice of immediate repair or delayed repair should be decided according to the particular situation. Immediate I stage anasto- mosis of urethra for PFUI is recommended when the patient's condition is stable, serious complications are treated,and the surgeon is experienced. If the patient's condition is unstable or no experienced urologist is available, a suprapubic catheter should be placed for bladder decompression and try to get a good condition for delayed urethroplasty.