利用中子活化法,精确地测量了14 Me V能区中子诱发的^232Th(n,f)^138Xe裂变截面.在测量中用^27Al(n,α)^24Na反应出射的α射线监督中子通量,中子的能量由^90Zr(n,2n)^89Zr反应与^93Nb(n,2n)^92mNb反应的截面之比给出.在中子能量为14.1±0.3和14.7±0.3 Me V下,其裂变截面分别为12.72±1.24和11.82±1.13 mb.
The fission cross section of ^232Th(n, f)^138Xe fission reaction induced by 14 MeV neutrons was measured precisely with the neutron activation technique. Neutron flux was tested by the supervision reaction using ^27Al(n, α)^24Na reaction in the measurements and neutron energies were given by the cross section ratio of ^93Zr(n, 2n)^89Zr reaction to ^93Nb(n, 2n)^92mNb reaction. The values of the cross section were deduced to he 12.72±1.24 and 11.82±1.13 mb at neutron energies of 14.1±0.3 and 14.7±0.3 MeV,respectively.