凤仙花坏死斑病毒(Impatiens necrotic spot virus,INSV)能够侵染多种花卉并破坏其观赏价值,目前在我国已有INSV的入侵报道.查询INSV和西花蓟马在世界范围内报道的地理信息,应用MaxEnt、ArcGIS软件,分别获得INSV和西花蓟马的适生性范围,结合INSV植物寄主在Lifemapper发布的分布数据,获得INSV中国境内风险发生区分布图.预测结果显示我国华东地区、中南地区、华北部分省份、西南部分省份及西北部分省份,都是潜在INSV高风险发生地区,包括了云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、湖南、湖北、江西、浙江、台湾、上海、江苏、安徽、山东、陕西、山西、河南、河北、北京、天津、重庆、四川东部、甘肃部分地区、辽宁部分地区.INSV入侵中国的适生性分布评估将为INSV的检疫及防控提供参考.
Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) can infect a lot of flower crops and destroy the ornamental value.The invasion of INSV has been reported in China in recent years.Based on the geographical information of INSV and Frankliniella occidentalis around the world,potential distribution of INSV and F.occidentalis were constructed by MaxEnt.Combined with the potential distribution of INSV and F.occidentalis and host 's information of INSV in Lifemapper database,INSV risk distribution map was constructed by ArcGIS software.From this map,it indicated that high risk would happen in the eastern China,southern and central China,some provinces in the southwestern and northwestern China,including Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangxi,Guangdong,Fujian,Hunan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Zhejiang,Taiwan,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Anhui,Shandong,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Henan,Hebei,Beijing,Tianjin,Chongqing,east of Sichuan,east of Gansu and south of Liaoning.It is a significant guidance for INSV quarantine and risk area assessment of INSV in China.