通过简要回顾半个世纪以来海洋雷达技术发展历程的特点和规律,结合海洋雷达技术发展现状,介绍海洋雷达涉及的关键技术并进行应用场景分析。总结我国海洋雷达技术近30 a来的发展及其与国际水平的主要差距,提出"十三五"期间我国海洋雷达技术优先发展项目的建议,即超视距雷达广域海洋监测技术、浮动/机动平台高分辨率海洋雷达技术、新体制微波海洋雷达技术以及海洋雷达数据管理与应用技术等。
Six decades have passed since the first radar detection attempt revealed the mechanism of HF radio waves scattered by ocean surface waves. The combination of radio science theories, radar techniques and physical oceanography principles prompts the development of radio oceanography which is now an important branch in marine science study and an efficient wide area maritime surveillance tool. After summarizing oceanographic radar development and its current application state, this paper introduces the key techniques applied in oceanographic radar and analyzes their application scenarios. China has achieved many progresses in oceanographic radar techniques during the past three decades, while the data assimilation and application of radar data are still left behind compared with advanced countries. Several oceanographic radar techniques are proposed to be the projects with higher priority in the 13thFive-Year Plan period, such as the HF sky-surface wave hybrid radar network techniques, the high-resolution HF/VHF radar on floating/moving platform, novel technique microwave radar, and the data management and assimilation techniques of oceanographic radars.