收集整理了海河流域平原区浅层各省市几种来源的地下水位数据,利用ARCGIS技术,矢量化《华北平原地下水可持续利用图集》作出1959年、1984年、2005年6月地下水等水位图,利用《中国地质环境监测地下水位年鉴》2005年-2013年末及2005年6月数据,计算了时段变化率,推算出2005年-2013年地下水等水位图,并利用"华北平原地下水演变机制与调控项目"地下水位数据对估算水位进行检验,说明推算的地下水位分布是可靠的,进一步结合地下水开采漏斗和含水层给水度对超采量进行了估算。计算结果表明,1959年-2013年,海河流域平原区浅层地下水累计超采979.45×10^8 m^3,水位平均下降9.62m。其中1959年-1984年年均超采16.34×10^8 m^3,水位平均累计下降3.93m、年均下降0.141m;1984年-2005年年均超采21.21×10^8 m^3,水位平均累计下降6.28m、年均下降0.299m;2005年-2013年年均超采15.67×10^8 m^3,水位平均累计下降1.05m、年均下降0.131m,2010年以后已呈平稳状态。超采漏斗主要存在于山前地区且用水量较大的城市,尤以子牙河平原西部石家庄、邢台一带最为严重。
By collecting groundwater table data of shallow aquifer of each province in Haihe plain and applying ARCGIS technique,the groundwater table contours in the end of year 1959,1984,2005 to 2013were plotted.The results were checked by independent data sources and proved reliable.Then the quantity of the excess pumping of groundwater was estimated according to the depression cone and specific yield of aquifer.The results showed that cumulative over-exploitation of shallow groundwater aquifer of the Haihe plain was 979.45×108 m~3 in 1959-2013,the average water table lowered by 10.99 m.Temporally,the annual over-exploitation was 16.34×10~8 m~3 and the cumulative average water table lowered by totally 3.93 m,the annual average water table lowered by 0.141 min 1959-1984;and 21.21×10~8 m~3 and 6.28 m,0.299 mrespectively in 1984-2005;15.67×10~8 m~3 and 1.05 m,0.131 min 2005-2013.It should be noted that over-exploitation of groundwater in Haihe plain mainly occurred in the period from 1984 to 2005,and the over-pumping has been controlled effectively in recent years.Spatially,the depression cone was located mainly in cities which are in sub mountain region and consume relatively more groundwater,especially in Shijiazhuang city and Xingtai city in the west of the Ziyahe plane.