Supercontinuum(SC)light source is one of coherent wide spectrum light sources,because of the wide and flat spectrum,the high power density spectrum and the stability.This paper performs a further experimental research on the generation of supercontinuum based on the high nonlinear optical fiber(HNLF)and distributed feed back laser diode which works in the gain switch state.The experimental results demonstrate that the input power and nonlinear coefficient of HNLF both have an impact on the spectrum properties of SC source.As for the application of OCDMA in spectrum,the paper proposes the flatness,a difference between maximum power and minimum power,to quantify the planarity of SC source.At the same time,this paper chooses wavelength selective switch,which has a function of amplitude equalization,to optimize the flatness,and the flatness declines to 3dB.The SC source can be applied in dynamic reconfigurable spectrum coding OCDMA system to realize the experiment of 40 km transmission,and the error bit rate of the experiment can be less than 10^-9.