本研究综合评价中国汉族人群血浆脂联素浓度与冠心病的关系.结果 表明中国汉族冠心病人群血浆脂联素浓度较正常人群明显降低,合并后权重均数差(WMD)值为-1.49,95%CI为(-1.64,-1.34),Z=19.33(P〈0.01),低血浆脂联素浓度可能是冠心病危险因素.但相关研究均为病例对照研究,中国汉族人群血浆脂联素浓度与冠心病关系仍需做前瞻性研究加以证实.
The association of serum adiponectin concentration with coronary heart disease (CHD) in Chinese Han population was evaluated. Present evidence demonstrated that the lowered serum adiponectin concentration was a susceptibility risk factor for CHD, while the precise relationship between serum adiponectin concentration and CHD in Chinese population requires further study.