ACC-1-1和ACC-1-2再生株系由来自马铃薯二倍体栽培种(Solanum tuberosum)品系AC142-01(2n=2x=24)和二倍体野生种S. chacoense的一个无性系C9701(2n=2x=24)经原生质体融合获得,经鉴定为体细胞杂种。流式细胞仪分析和染色体计数显示,ACC-1-1为混倍体,ACC-1-2为八倍体。两个株系均能正常开花但花粉活力较低。花粉母细胞减数分裂观察显示,两个系在减数分裂各个时期均出现广泛的异常染色体行为,可能是花粉活力低的原因。青枯病接种鉴定表明,ACC-1-2对青枯病表现为高抗,而ACC-1-1表现为中感,同时这两个株系均具有“低温糖化”抗性,证明体细胞融合加上适当选择可以有效聚合有性杂交不亲和双亲的优良性状。
Two potato clones ACC-1-1 and ACC-1-2, derived from the protoplast fusion of diploid Solanum tuberosum AC142-01 (2n=2x=24) and an S. chacoense clone C9701 (2n=2x=24), were identified as somatic hybrids. ACC-1-1 proved to be a mixoploid and ACC-1-2 be an octoploid by low cytometer analysis and chromosome counting. These two hybrids could bloom, but a high frequency of abnormal meiosis of the pol en mother cells was observed in each phase of the pol en development, which might be the reason for a lower pol en vitality. The results also demonstrated that ACC-1-2 exhibited high resistance to bacterial wilt and ACC-1-1 performed a moderate resistance in addition to that they were both resistant to cold-induced sweetening of the tubers, strongly suggesting that protoplast fusion, combined with suitable selection, could stack elite traits of two genetic distant parents which are sexual y incompatible.