In September 2012, Daron Acemoglu and his companions published the paper entitled " The Network Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations" in Econometrica. In this paper, they provide a general framework for the study of cascade effects and systematically evaluate how idiosyncratic shocks are translated into aggregate volatility because of interconnections. They argue that the recent financial crisis has further highlighted the importance of interconnections among firms and sectors in the economy. The reason for the financial crisis is not that many institutions were"too big to fail", but because they were "too interconnected to fail" In the recent ten years, the progress of the macroeconomic theory system, including growth theory and fluctuation theory, has been evolved only in details. But this paper, combining the social network and macroeconomic theory, is likely to open up a new genre of c theory. In addition, our explanation on financial crisis is different from any theories of Paul Krugman, Milton Friedman, and Hyman P. Minsky etc., forming a new generation of financial crisis theory