2011 年密松水电站事件之后,缅甸排华思潮不断攀升.这一思潮伴随着缅甸民主改革的进程不断发展,成为影响中缅关系转折和思考中国外交政策转变的重要触发点,文章结合缅甸各阶层的情感和不同行为体行为、利用情感地缘政治和国际关系的建构主义理论,从缅甸排华思潮产生的国内国际地缘政治格局出发,从宏微观两个层面构建缅甸排华思潮产生的分析框架.利用框架从缅甸殖民时期以来形成的“羞辱”文化、民主改革之后缅甸局势变动、长期形成的文化心理等宏观背景,以及缅甸民众的排华记忆、民族主义盛行、对中国支持军政府的误解、华企在缅甸投资的产业结构、未能更好融入当地、对投资地各阶层利益的忽视、非政府组织对民众的错误诱导、媒体过分关注华企和华人以及过分夸大华企的影响等微观主体剖析缅甸排华思潮主要原因.结合其产生的过程和形成的机制,从国家外交政策调整、华企和华人行为的转变、加强与缅甸非政府组织联系、正确引导媒体等方面提出相应的对策.
After the Myitsone event in 2011, anti-Chinese sentiment in Burma has been soaring. This sentiment, along with the advancement of the democratic reform in Burma, has become one important trigger point of changes in Bur-ma-China relationship and changes in China’s foreign policy. This paper com-bines theories of emotions of different social classes of Burma and different behaviors and utilizes theories of constructivism of geopolitics of emotion and foreign relations to construct an analytical frame of anti-Chinese senti-ment in Burma on both macro and micro level. Then the thesis explores the main rationales behind the anti-Chinese sentiment in terms of long-cultivated‘shame culture’ in Burma, political change in Burma after the democratic re-form, long-term cultivated cultural psyche, anti-Chinese memorization of civilians in Burma, the prevailing nationalism, the misunderstanding towards China supporting military government, industrial structure of companies in-vested in Burma, Chinese failing to fit into the local culture, the neglect of local classes, wrong inducement by local NGOs, over-exposure by local media and exaggerated influence of Chinese companies by local media. The paper pro-vides policy suggestions from the perspectives of improvement in foreign poli-cy, behavioral change by Chinese companies and Chinese people in Burma, how to strengthen relations with NGOs in Burma and how to properly guide local media.