Using meteorological and hydrological observed data from 1988 to 2010 from Platform A of Chengbei Oilfield in Bohai Bay, the climate statistics of sea fog was analyzed and the occurring mechanism was discussed. The results show that due to the dual influence of flow from sea and land, the fog days have distinct marine char- acteristic in spring, summer and autumn, while have continental feature in winter. 59.2% fog events happened over warmer sea surface. Among them, advection evaporation fog days were more than advection cooling fog days, which was related to the meteorological hydrological features of Bohai Bay. The most suitable wind speed for sea fog formation was 2 - 3 grade wind, and second was 4 -5 grade wind. When the sea surface temperature were higher than that of air, more than 88 % fog samples satisfied the condition of advection evaporation fog for- mation due to the significantly increased humidity by evaporation. But, it still has sea surface evaporation in ad- vection cooling fog which indicated the difference between the continental surface and oceanic surface. The evap- oration in the samples of advection cooling fog showed the difference between the underlying surface of continen- tal and oceanic.