对琼中县湾岭地区四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)栖息地野生维管植物物种的调查,发现共有维管植物100科193属241种,其中蕨类植物14科15属17种;双子叶植物68科143属178种;单子叶植物18科35属46种;无裸子植物.按其经济价值划分,药用植物有125种,观赏植物46种,用材植物31种,蜜源植物28种,纤维植物27种,野生果树21种.对其资源特点进行分析,并对其资源的保护和可持续利用提出了初步建议.
A survey of the vascular plants in the habitats of the genera of Sacalia quadriocellata was conducted in Wanling of Qiongzhong in Hainan. One hundred famih'es, 193 genera, and 241 species of vascular plants were recorded, including pteridophytes (14 families, 15 genera, and 17 species), dicotyledons (68 families, 143 genera, and 178 species), and monocotyledons(18 families, 35 genera, and 46 species). No gymnesperms were recorded. These plants were further identified in terms of their economic importance to medicinal plants (125 species), ornamental plants(46 species), plants for wood(31 species), nectariferous plants(28 species), tow plants(27 species), fruit plants(21 species). The flora characteristics were discussed and suggestions on the plant conservation and sustainable utilization were proposed.