Ovarian cancer is one of the most common tumors of the female reproductive organs, only after cervical and uterine cancer, ranking the third place. However, the fatality rate of ovarian cancer takes the first place among all types of gynecological tumors ,which threaten the women's life greatly. In the early period, o- varian cancer patients is generally asymtomatic, most of which have advanced stage disease (stageⅢ-Ⅳ ), direct extension and lymphatic metastasis is the important way for metastasis of ovarian cancer. Whereas Hematogenous metastasis is very rare, and ovarian carcinoma metastasis to the parenchyma of the stomach at the time of diagnosis has been reported abroad for only one case. Whereas the domestic has not been reported, and our department treated a ease of ovarian cancer metastasis to the stomach report as follows in 2012.