玛雅文明是人类历史上一颗璀璨而又神秘的明珠,它的存亡犹如昙花一现,留给后人的是无尽的谜团。玛雅人创造了人类文明的奇迹,但由于自身及外界因素的影响,玛雅帝国迅速走向衰亡。《启示录》通过Jaguar Paw的所见所闻,管窥玛雅时代末期的文明现状,并从宗教、战争、人祭、生态、瘟疫及殖民活动等方面解析了玛雅帝国走向没落的历史必然性。
Mayan civilization seems to be a shining and mysterious pearl in human history. It leaves people with endless mysteries as a flash in the pan. Mayan created many miracles in the world, but its civilization declined quickly, even vanished from the earth in a short time, which due to the limitations" of itself and the outside factors. Apocalypto demonstrates the scenes of the late Mayan civilizations through the eyes of Jaguar Paw, the main character in the movie. It also reveals the inevitable declination of Mayan Empire from the perspectives of religion, war, human sacrifice, ecology, plague and colonial activities.