The Liuhe site, located on the fourth terrace of the Youjiang River, was excavated from June to November, 2005, which was a salvage archeological project for the anticipated construction of the Bose-Nanning Expressway. The excavations exposed an area of 1000m2. A total of 72 relics were discovered, including 2 neoliths, 69 paleoliths and 1 tektite. The paleoliths include cores(N=4), flakes(N=5), tools(N=14) and chunks(N=46). The tools appear with choppers(N=12)and picks(N=2). Lithic raw materials of the industry were exploited locally from ancient riverbeds. Quartzite(53.61%), breccia(18.82%), fine Sandstone(7.37%), silicolites (5.80%), medium Sandstone(2.90%) and Quartz(1.45%) were utilized in core reduction and tool manufacture, with Quartzite the predominant type. Blanks for tool fabrication are pebbles. Most of the stone artifacts are large and middle in size, and modified by direct hammer percussion. The stone tool assemblage of the Liuhe site shows close association with the lithic industry in Bose. Geomorphological and chronological comparison with other sites in Bose Basin indicates that the age of the paleoliths of Liuhe site should be close to the early Middle Pleistocene.